BOI Legends


Online Players:




Basic Commands

A comprehensive guide to the essential commands that every player should know. These commands are designed to streamline your gameplay, offering quick access to vital functions and making your in-game experience more efficient and enjoyable.


This guide covers the essential commands you'll need to navigate and interact with the server effectively.
These commands are predefined by the server administration to streamline gameplay and offer quick access to various in-game functions.

Command Description
/status Displays account status including VIP days left, Auto Claim, Auto LevelUp, etc.
/freevip Claim your free VIP status for a limited time.
/sendzen Send Zen to another player. A 5% tax applies for non-VIP users.
/zenstatus Displays the current status of your Zen, including any free Zen available.
/freezen Claim your daily free Zen reward.
/realm Changes your character's realm. Available realms are 1 to 8.
/lord Teleports you to the location of a specific Lord.
/zentransmute Convert Zen into Zen Card Packs.
/exit Safely disconnects you from the game.
/activity Shows your daily monster kill progress and activity status.
/help Displays all available commands and their descriptions.
/npcinfo Shows information about NPCs in your vicinity.
/tp Teleport to various locations in the game.
/home Teleport to your home location.
/eventpoints Check your event points and rewards.
/revive Revive your character after death.

In case of problems or doubts, please contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Admin BOI Legends