BOI LEGENDS - Battle of the immortals Private Server

By accessing or using the Service you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service.

This web site may have content you don't agree with or that you might not understand. If you want to continue to navigate this website, know that any company and/or person from, with ties to or who is a partner of; Perfect World Co, Perfect World Entertainment, Latham & Watkins LLP, is not authorized to further view the content of this site.

Anyone with intent to reveal private information of this website to a company and/or person from, with ties to or who is a partner of; Perfect World Co, Perfect World Entertainment, Latham & Watkins LLP, is not authorized to further view the content of this site.

If information from this website were to be disclosed to a company / business or other entity, it would violate the terms and conditions of this website. The information obtained would be illegal and therefore it would not admissible in court.

We may terminate or suspend access to our Service immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.

If this website and/or any service by BOI Legends, Inc. would force close, we are not to be held responsible for any loss of account and funds tied to your account/-s.

Copyright Notice

Perfect World Co, Perfect World Entertainment, Latham & Watkins LLP, references or images are a trademark of the listed companies and its agents. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Please note that any account created for the use of BOI Legends and all its services, including but not limited to forum accounts and game accounts, are the exclusive property of BOI Legends and can be suspended at any time, with or without cause and notice.

Client to Client Financials Clause You are not allowed to sell in-game accounts, services and/or items to any other person. This due to the fact that the account, service or item in question is property of BOI Legends, and therefor not yours to sell.

Any violation of these terms will result in the deletion of the sold goods, and termination of any game property tied to both the seller and buyer.

Stance on our Security

By creating an account on BOI Legends servers, you agree that the security of it is your responsibility and that you will be held responsible for all actions that are performed to or from to your account.

You also agree that you are aware that giving your password can compromise the security of your account, and by giving your password to a third party, you fully accept all the consequences..

You agree to recognize that if you receive a file from anywhere except the official Boi Legends site or server, it could contain malware, key loggers and other harmful files. BOI Legends can not be responsible for anything that occurs after downloading any software from external sources.

You agree to acknowledge that BOI Legends has taken great measures to protect your account on our servers, and being hacked by definition is nearly impossible and very unlikely, you therefore you agree to be fully responsible if we can not confirm that it was a fault from our side.

Lastly, note that all claims whether based on contract, negligence, strict liability or otherwise are waived.

BOI Legends

Server Informations

  • Version: Glorious 4th Anniversary
  • Experience: 8%
  • Drop: 8%
  • Accounts: 2470
  • Characters: 4218
  • Record Online: 181
  • Server Time:

  • Staff Status

Server Status

  • Total online:  
  • Realm 1: 0
  • Realm 2: 0
  • Realm 3: 0
  • Realm 4: 0
  • Realm 5: 0
  • Realm 6: 0
  • Realm 7: 0
  • Realm 8: 0